According to the INSEE Heritage Survey 2018, the holding of a life insurance product differs according to the age, the CSP and the family composition.
In 2015, the life insurance holding rate in mainland France is 36.5%. It has been steadily increasing since 1998 when it was only 28.9%. This is explained by the fact that life insurance is the favorite savings product of the French especially given its rather advantageous tax.
This rate increases progressively with age, from 21.1% for those under 30 years of age to 42.3% for over 60s.
Ownership of life insurance also differs according to the socio-professional category. It is higher than 45% for retirees as well as for the following professions: liberal profession (60.6%), farmer (53.9%), manager (45.2%). On the contrary, the rate is particularly low, for the inactive (15.7%), the unskilled (22.8%) and skilled (27.7%) as well as for the employees (29.4%).
The differences are less marked according to the family composition:
40.7% for couples without children
37.2% for couples with child (ren)
32.9% for single people
30.8% for single parent families.
Unsurprisingly, the life insurance holding rate is strongly correlated with the savings capacity of the French.